
Below are all of the posts for all of the shows. You can listen to them right on the posts, download the MP3 to your computer or you can subscribe to the Podcast on iTunes.

Show Intro Music:
Mad Power by Twisterium | https://www.twisterium.com
Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported

4 Responses to Podcasts

  1. Amy says:

    What happened to the youtube channel?

    • Apocalypse Nerd says:

      Long story short I removed any video that had us on camera. What’s left are videos that are just the audio with a static image. Down the road (way, way down) I’ll make all the episodes into just audio with a static image and re-upload them.

      Longer story. I never wanted this to be a YouTube channel. But in the beginning it was a necessary evil. We started out using Google Hangouts to record and that posted a video. I would then rip the audio so I could post that to the blog as a regular audio only podcast.

      At some point YouTube/Google got rid of Hangouts and forced me to find another way to record. We finally had better tools to record just audio which is all I want. Now we just do a regular audio only podcast which is posted to this blog. So you can listen to the shows here or on Apple Podcasts or whatever you favorite podfeeder is.

      • DM Mike says:

        I know PaGZ is over, but do you have an ad we could run on our podcast Save for Half? I still think there’s a lot of good info in the serious and would like to pimp it. :)

        DM Mike

        • Apocalypse Nerd says:

          Hi Mike

          We’re not dead yet. There will be a new episode I’ll be posting soon. Sorry I didn’t see your message before now.

          -Apocalypse Nerd

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