PCAGZ Ep. 51 Top 5 Apocalyptic Movies Nov. 30th 9PM EST

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For the 51st episode of Podcast at Ground Zero the topic will be our Top 5 favorite Post-Apocalyptic Movies.

In tonight’s episode we are going talk about what are our top 5 favorite post-apocalyptic movies. And when I say we I mean each of your hosts on tonight’s show. Returning to join us for the conversion will be special co-hosts William T. Thrasher and Chris Constantin.

So join Scott, William, Chris and I on our trek thru the Cursed Earth we think you’ll enjoy the company.

You will be able to watch the podcast live right here and on the blog or our other social media sites.
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/PodcastatGroundZero
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/podcastatgroundzero
Google+: https://plus.google.com/+Podcastatgroundzeroshow
You can find our blog here http://pcagz.com/ or https://podcastatgroundzero.com/ep51

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